This site is now an archive. New newsletters will be sent out via email. If you received an email directing you here today, it should be the last.
What's New @ The Mercer County District Public Library in Celina, Ohio.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
September 2013
CLOSED Monday, September 2
Winter Hours begin Tuesday, September 3
Monday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Groundbreaking Reads
The 2013 Adult Summer Reading Program came to an end on Friday, August 30 with an Ice Cream Social. Grand Prize Winners were also drawn from more than 1000 entries.
Grand Prize Winners were:
Nook HD -- MaryAnn Laughlin
iPod Nano -- Jane Kuhn
$75.00 Gas Card -- Karen Niekamp
All Prizes are courtesy of Mercer County District Library Friends of the Library.
Rockin' Lockin
The library was Rockin' on Friday, August 30th when more than 50 kids took over the library after close from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Dance Party
Something "Fishy" is going on...
Our Early Learning Center computers, courtesy of the Celina Rotary Club, are getting a new custom made home. It's a Fish Table. Like us Facebook to watch the transformation.
Matthew Dyer from the State Library of Ohio recently visited the library for a staff in service. While he was here he toured the library and our Mineral Collection. For more information about library tours or mineral programs contact the library today @ 419-586-4442.
Do you enjoy getting the Mercer County District Library's Newsletter delivered to your inbox?
We are updating our delivery system. If you still want to get our newsletter emailed directly to your inbox. Please send an email to with the subject "newsletter" and we will be sure you are on the list.
You can always find our newsletters past and present on our website
For more information, visit our website
Friday, August 2, 2013
August 2013
Local Author Fair

Completed applications must be recieved by noon on Saturday, August 24, 2013.
Application and complete details can be found here: LOCAL AUTHOR DETAILS
June 3 to July 26
The wrap-up reception and Grand Prize drawing was held on Friday, July 26 at 2:00 pm.
Grand Prize: mini iPad
Karlee Huber!
Karlee Huber!
2nd Place: $25 Mastercard
Sarah Hipply
3rd Place: $10 Lake City
Creamery gift card
Christina Harting
Christina Harting
The results are in! 398 children signed up for the Children's Summer Reading Program this year! Great job everybody! The party on Friday was a lot of fun with our friend Zak Morgan. Only nine months until next years program!


The Annual Lake Festival Friends of the Library Book Sale was again a success. Nearly $1000.00 was raised this year! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and purchased books.
Remember that the Friends of the Library Book Store is open the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Out Yonder Printing
It's here! Now when you need to print a document from outside of the library, all you have to do is email it to our account,, and come into the library within 24 hours to pick it up. This comes in handy for last minute printer troubles! We have created a video promoting this service:
For more information, visit our website
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
July 2013
July Closings
The library will be closed on July 4th. We hope everyone has a safe and fun Independence Day!
Adult Summer Reading Program

This year the reading program for patrons 18 and older will begin on June 21st and run until August 30th. We have a lot of fun, new activities planned and some great prizes we'd love to give away! Starting July 5th we will have bi-weekly drawings as in years past, but this year we're doing something special.
On the days we draw the winners we will have Brown Bag Lunch Book Discussions at noon. Bring a lunch and enjoy the drawing, as well as beverages and desserts that we will provide. It is a great chance to discuss what you have been reading with fellow readers! The drawings will be on July 5th and 19th, and August 2nd and 16th.
Also, all patrons who enter will be eligible for the Grand Prize, given away at the August 30th finale. This year we're giving away a Nook HD Tablet, an iPod Nano, and a gas gift card at our wrap-up Ice Cream Social held in the library at 3 pm.
Coming Soon to a Library Near You! If the computer gods prove merciful and our IT guy resourceful, in July we will begin offering Out Yonder Printing. Basically, if you're trying to print something "out yonder" or in other words outside of the library, you can email it to our library account. If you come into the library within 20 hours, we can print it off for you at 15 cents per page. We hope this will come in handy if you're trying to print something but your printer just won't cooperate or is out of ink, etc. As long as you have an internet connection and an email, you can print things at the library from anywhere.

This year the wrap-up party will be on August 2nd at 9:30 a.m. As usual, it will take place at the library and any child signed up for the program who has read at least ten books is invited to attend. After a great summer of good books and fun crafts, we celebrate with balloons, cookies, and cool prizes. Zak Morgan, a hilarious performer, will be giving a show with his music written especially for children. It's always a lot of fun--be sure to stop by!
The SEO library consortium is making a few changes to their online subscriptions available for patron use. Unfortunately, we will no longer offer the Chilton's Database for DIY auto repair enthusiasts. Although Chilton's will be off the system, we still have auto handbooks and repair manuals available.
For more information, visit our website
Thursday, June 6, 2013
June 2013
Summer Hours
We are now on our shortened summer hours:
Monday – 9am to 6pm
Tuesday – 9am to 6pm
Wednesday – 9am to 8pm
Thursday – 9am to 6pm
Friday – 9am to 6pm
Saturday – 9am to 5pm
Sunday – CLOSED
Summer Reading - To the Schools
At the end of each school year, the Mercer County District Library staff promote the annual summer reading program by performing a skit at each of the Celina City Schools. We're not sure who has more fun, the kids or the staff...
TEEN Summer Reading Program !
If you are 13 to 18 years old then you can participate in the library's Teen Summer Reading Program. The programs begins on Monday, June 6 and ends with a wrap-up reception on Friday, July 26 at 2:00 pm.
Read or listen to 3 books and then fill out an entry form. Receive a small prize when you turn in the completed entry form. Bi-weekly prize drawings will be held beginning on Monday, June 25th. This years Grand Prize is an iPad mini!
The Mercer Dewey Minecraft Club met on May 31st for the first startup meeting. Aimed toward local teens but all are welcome, ages K-12, 58 members of the youth attended. We discussed what the youth is interested in and what projects we would like to take on. The next meeting is Friday, June 7th at 5pm.
The Mercer County District Library is pleased to present a Local Author Fair on Saturday, September 28. In keeping with our goal of encouraging reading and writing, the library is offering tables to writers who wish to autograph their books and discuss their published works with fans.
Together with the Stateline Writers Club and the Friends of the Mercer County Library, Vicki and I would be delighted if you would consider joining us for this event. This information will assist with planning and publicity. Applications should be mailed or emailed to the library no later than noon on August 24, 2013. We will make every effort to accommodate each writer who wishes to attend, but space is limited and table assignments will be conducted by library staff. Each writer is responsible for staffing his/her table to showcase their works and for all the details related to book sales.
We are extremely excited about this program and would love to include as many authors as possible so feel free to share this information with your colleagues. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Vicki DeBolt or Elizabeth Muether. The application form is available on our website (
Whether you’re an avid reader or an aspiring writer, the Local Author Fair is an excellent opportunity to talk with local writers about their work. Writers of children’s books, nonfiction, and fiction will be on hand to talk about books and their writing process.
Several library staff took part in the Let Your Colors Fly 5K at the Mercer County Fairgrounds on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27. The morning began a little rainy, but as racers took off the rain stopped and the colors began to fly. Although, our staff didn't win the race, they all had a great time participating and representing the library as a team....proving that our library is MORE THAN JUST BOOKS! See more pictures on the library's Facebook page,
For more information, visit our website
The Mercer Dewey Minecraft Club met on May 31st for the first startup meeting. Aimed toward local teens but all are welcome, ages K-12, 58 members of the youth attended. We discussed what the youth is interested in and what projects we would like to take on. The next meeting is Friday, June 7th at 5pm.
Local Author Fair
The Mercer County District Library is pleased to present a Local Author Fair on Saturday, September 28. In keeping with our goal of encouraging reading and writing, the library is offering tables to writers who wish to autograph their books and discuss their published works with fans.

We are extremely excited about this program and would love to include as many authors as possible so feel free to share this information with your colleagues. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Vicki DeBolt or Elizabeth Muether. The application form is available on our website (
Whether you’re an avid reader or an aspiring writer, the Local Author Fair is an excellent opportunity to talk with local writers about their work. Writers of children’s books, nonfiction, and fiction will be on hand to talk about books and their writing process.
Check out
Team Mercer Dewey takes on The Color Run
![]() |
Eric Lochtefeld, Janie Stammen, Liz Muether, Emily Zender, Amy Broering, Erica King |
Several library staff took part in the Let Your Colors Fly 5K at the Mercer County Fairgrounds on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27. The morning began a little rainy, but as racers took off the rain stopped and the colors began to fly. Although, our staff didn't win the race, they all had a great time participating and representing the library as a team....proving that our library is MORE THAN JUST BOOKS! See more pictures on the library's Facebook page,
For more information, visit our website
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
May 2013
National Library Week WINNERS
The library celebrated National Library Week during April 15 to April 20. Winners of the two Nook SimpleTouch with Glowlights were announced on Monday, April 22. Nearly 200 patrons entered to win at the library by answering the question, “Why I Love My Library.” The second Nook was given away to one of 55 online entries explaining why “My Library Rocks.” The winners were Jeff Romack for the in-house drawing and Nathan Mestemaker for the online drawing. In addition, the library gave away approximately 100 eFriendly library book bags to patron who checked out more than 5 items. A special thanks to everyone for their kind words. Pictured are the winners in front of the display of entries.

Thursday, May 9
7:00 pm
Can you dig it? We can!
The 2013 Summer Reading Program at the Mercer County Library
begins on May 30th and runs through August 2nd!
When school lets out, don’t get bored- EXPLORE!
Beat the rush! Early registration begins May 1st
We’ll start counting your books on May 31st!
The official kick-off with our pal, the incredibly fun Mr. Puppet, will be held
Thursday, May 30th at 10:00 a.m.!
Kids can sign up one week in advance for the weekly programs and some of the special events will be open to families too. Remember, the more you read, and the more events you attend, the more chances you’ll have to win some cool prizes!
The Kids Summer Reading Program is open to ages birth to 12, but if you’re older than 12, don’t worry! We also have a Teen Summer Reading Club for the older kids with its own programs and prizes!
Date/Time of Event | Name of Event | Date to Start Signing Up |
May 30th | Kick-Off For all Ages | No registration required! |
June 5th | Family Movie Night Space limitation of 40 Total | May 29th |
June 12th | Dig Into Reading! (Construction machines, digging) For Ages 6-10 | June 5th |
June 19th | Rooting around the Library (Gardening, root veggies, etc.) For ages 6-10 | June 12th |
June 26th | I Want My Mummy! (Egyptian Artifacts) For ages 6-10 | June 19th |
July 3rd | Mine Your Own Business! (Mining for gold and minerals) For Ages 6-10 | June 26th |
July 10th | Rockin’ at the Library (Rocks and Gems) For ages 6-10 | July 3rd |
July 17th | Gopher It! (Animals who live underground) For ages 6-10 | July 10th |
July 24th | No Bones About It! (Dinosaurs) For ages 6-10 | July 17th |
August 2nd | Grand Finale featuring Zak Morgan!! For ALL ages! | No registration required! |
We’re always planning and adding some great things, so make sure you keep tabs on all the fun stuff by checking out our website: or by “liking” The Mercer County Library on Facebook!
Monday, April 1, 2013
April 2013

CELEBRATE National Library Week
April 15 - 20, 2013
We want to thank you for your continued support and
National Library Week is the perfect time:
Fine FREE Week: Return your overdue items without being fined.
ecoFriendly Book bags: When you check out 5+ items.
Win an eReader: Tell us why you Love your library for
a chance to win.
Do you know of a child who is turning 6?
Children aged 6 can stop in with a parent or legal guardian to get their very
first library card at no cost.
A Rockin' Lock-In @ Your Library
Friday, April 26, 7:30 to 10:00 pm
Ages 9 - 13
C'Mon in, dressed in your pajamas, & Join the DANCE Party!
We'll have the Wii Fired up in the Community Room & Get Ready to Dance in the Library Commons with Your DJs "Fo' Rizzle Lizzle & G-Money$"
Pizza and Snacks will be served AND the Music will be LOUD!
Participants need to arrive from 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm; the doors will be locked at 8:00 pm & will re-Open for guest pick-up at 10:00 pm.
Pre-Registration is requried and parental permission slip (available at the front desk) must be completed before the event.
Space is sign up NOW!!
Preschool Story & Craft
Thursday, April 11 @ 7:00 pm
Toddlers & preschoolers are invited to come to the library for a craft, games and a story.
Pre-Registration is not required.
Thursday, April 25 @ 7:00 pm
Toddlers & preschoolers are invited to come to the library in their Pajamas for a special bedtime story hour. Bring your favorite teddy bear and listen to special bedtime stories & nursery rhymes, do finger plays, and a special activity too!
Enjoy cookies and milk as your bedtime snack.
Pre-Registration is not required.
ChiltonLibrary provides exclusive photographs, diagnostics designed by instructors, step-by-step repair procedures, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) maintenance schedules, wiring diagrams, recalls and Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) for automobiles and light trucks in one easy-to-use web site. Since The Mercer County District Library subscribes to ChiltonLibrary, you are now equipped with decades of data to maintain your vehicle. Just begin by clicking this link , login with your library card number and choose a vehicle at the left and a subject above.

Keep up on the library everyday
Follow us on twitter....
For more information, visit our website
Friday, March 1, 2013
March 2013
PIGEON Wants A Hotdog Party!!
The Pigeon is having a Hot Dog Party on Saturday, March 23rd 10:30 am to 12:00 noon at the Mercer County District Library. Bring your family and come join us and Mo Willems' Pigeon Pal for pigeon games, pigeon crafts, pigeon prizes and of course...hotdogs! (NoT PiGeOn DoGs!) Everyone is welcome but registration is required. Sign up begins March 9.
Can you guess who this Hotdog is?
Need last minute tax forms?
We have Federal, State, School Distinct and Local Tax forms and Instruction booklets.
Don't see what you need? Ask at the desk and we can print it for you.
Don't see what you need? Ask at the desk and we can print it for you.
For many years, the Mercer County District Library has partnered with the Celina Kiwanis Club to provide each child entering kindergarten with a "goodie bag" filled
with their own beginning-reader book, information on our local libraries,
a fun bookmark and more.
We are again assembling these treats and will soon be distributing them. If your child will be entering Kindergarten in the 2013-2014 school year, they will surely enjoy their gifts from the Mercer County Library!
Wii Gaming Night - Friday 22, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Kids ages 8 to 13 are invited to come to the library and challenge their friends in a Wii Bowling Tournament. Pizza and pop will be served. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. Sign up begins March 8.

#libraryafterdark #HarlemShake
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more videos. What should be our next video project?
For more information, visit our website
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Don't for get to follow us on Facebook.
Friday, February 1, 2013
February 2013
Wii Gaming Night
eBook Catalog gets a makeover
Tonight's the night for dancing, with Just Dance 4 on the big screen! This event is open for kids ages 8-13 and we'll have all the good snacks, too-- pizza, popcorn, soda and more! Sign-up begins NOW!!
eBook Catalog gets a makeover
We've given the library's eBook Catalog a makeover! Discover how easy it is to browse ebooks and audiobooks, borrow them using your library card, and read or listen on your computer, tablet, or other device. You can even read ebooks right in your browser, and continue reading on another device!
Watch this short video introduction to the new, improved Catalog features.
Or click here to start downloading eBooks now.
Blind Date with a Book!
Stop by the library between Feb 1st and Feb 14th to participate in our “Blind Date with a Book” program! Its easy, fast and fun. Blind Date with a Book matches you with an unknown gift wrapped book which you choose to check out at the library knowing just the genre, without knowing the author, title, etc of the selection. Then you take your book on a blind date by choosing to meet with and read it and give it a chance to make an impression.
Best part.. you then get to let us know how your blind date went! Did you have a love connection? Did the date end early for whatever reason? Did something unexpected happen? We want to hear all about it! Click here to tell us about it on Facebook. So stop by the library and meet your blind date.
NEW Digital Sign
Looking for the list of James Patterson's series or how many series Karen Kingsbury has written? The Kent District Library's What's Next™ database is the premiere resource for finding books in series information. Search for series information by author or series title, including series with multiple authors.
Follow us on Facebook!! Connect with fellow library lovers, keep up-to-date with library activities and programs. Or see embarrasing pictures and videos of the library staff.
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Mission Statement: The Mercer County District Library strives to be an integral part of the community it serves by providing materials and services for residents of all ages for personal enrichment, enjoyment and educational needs. The library is dedicated to providing timely and practical access to all forms of media. The educational needs of the community will be supported with adult programming as well as programs developed to stimulate children’s interests and appreciation for reading and learning.
How can we better fullfill our mission statement? Do you have ideas for new library programs or services? We want to hear from you. Please post your comments below or email to
For more information, visit our website
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