Browsing Collection
We are proud to announce that the library has added a “browsing collection”. What does this mean? That you will have a chance to get your hands on the most popular books without having to wait in line for them. Come in and look on the “NEW” bookshelf for books with a “Browsing Collection” label, bring it to the desk to check out. You will then have 14 days to read it and they cannot be renewed. Look for newly released fiction and popular authors.
Fall Author Program
Are you In The Same Boat? You’re invited to join humor columnist and fellow frazzled mom Mary Beth Weisenburger on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 6:30 P.M. at the Richardson-Bretz building located behind the library on Fulton Street.
Blood Drive at the Library
Interested in giving the gift of life? The library is hosting a blood drive and we’d like to invite you to join us and donate life-saving blood on Saturday, October 30th from 11am to 3pm. Please call 1-800-REDCROSS to get a donation appointment.
Good Reads!
Join Mercer County Library’s newest Book Discussion Group. They meet on the 3rdTuesday of the month at 7:00pm. Please pre-register by calling 419-586-4442 or emailing Connie Gray at The first meeting is Tuesday, October 19th. The book is A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. A Thousand Splendid Suns is a breathtaking story set against the volatile events of Afghanistan’s last thirty years—from the soviet invasion to the reign of the Taliban to the post-Taliban rebuilding—that puts the violence, fear, hope, and faith of this country in intimate, human terms. It is a tale of two generations of characters brought jarringly together by the tragic sweep of war, where personal lives—the struggle to survive, raise a family, find happiness—are inextricable from the history playing out around them.” Don’t miss out, call today to pre-register!
Halloween Story and Craft Hours
Children ages 6 to 10 may come to the Halloween Story and Craft hour on October 23rd from 10am to 11am. Enjoy doing a craft, playing games and listening to a story. Pre-registration is required and space is limited to the first 30 children. Stop in or call the library!
For more information, visit our website