Christmas Family Day

Talking Book Services
For those individuals who are legally blind, are visually impaired, or have a learning disability, the library offers a program where an individual who has any of the above mentioned conditions may borrow a Talking Book cassette player and cassette tapes on a variety of subjects and reading preferences. The entire program is free of charge. Call the library for further details or if there are any questions concerning the program.
Cell Phone Notices

Story Times

Audio Book
Are you planning on going away for the holidays? Don’t forget to come to the library and check out our selection of audio books for the car ride. We have books on cassette as well as books on CD. If you don’t find something that interests you on our shelves, we can order it in for you from another library which usually only takes a couple days if it is on another libraries’ shelf. If you have an MP3 player or iPod, check out our iDownloads on the card catalog. If you need assistance, please contact the library
For more information, visit our website www.mercer.lib.oh.us