JULY 2011

Friends of the Library Book Sale
The Friends of the Library will be hosting the annual Lake Festival book sale on Friday, July 22nd from 9am to 6pm and Saturday, July 23rd from 9am to 5pm. While enjoying to Celina Lake Festival be sure to stop by the library to browse through the recent donations and withdrawn books. All items will be $1.00 per bag starting at noon on Saturday.

Unbillable Hours by Ian Graham
A true story about a teenager wrongfully charged with murder
Warrior Woman by Dark Rain Thom and James Alexander Thom
The exceptional Life story of Nonhelema, Shawnee Indian Woman Chief
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
The astounding story of a man that said that he would stop the motor of the world—and did.
In the Long Run: a father, a son, and unintentional lessons in happiness by Jim Axelrod
A well-written, honest memoir about a son at a crossroads. He is inspired by a note discovered after his father's death describing his experience running a marathon.
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The Mercer County District Library loves Facebook. How many of you are on Facebook? How often do you login to your Facebook account?